Monday, May 17, 2010

Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 - Review

According to IGN , Modern Warefare 2 receives a 9.5. Due to great multi-player , their Spec Ops Mode, and their audio and video design. It received a 9.5 because to them the story mode wasn't really that great.

In my opinion, Modern Warfare 2 is worth 60$. The story mode is real great. If your a story kind of person, you would really like the story mode. The story is very engaging. It's also the easiest story mode out of all the Call of Duty's , this is because there is no more infinite respawns, you kill a guy and that's it no more. To follow the story mode is the Spec Ops missions. The spec op missions can be played in co-op, either split screen or multiplayer. Spec Ops are side missions basically. It's pretty fun especially on veteran difficulty.

But my 60$ went straight to the multiplayer. I love Cod's multiplayer. The multiplayer is very, very competitive. Sometimes you find little 12 year old's messing everything up with the squeaky voice. Thank god for the toggle mute. Anyway's all around it is a good multiplayer. It has it's ups and down's. An example can be no more juggernaut ah, the dreaded juggernaut. Instead,they added painkiller as a death streak. If you die 4 times in a row you get painkiller which is basically juggernaut for 10 seconds only. We all know in Cod :WaW the Mp40 was so cheap, now in Modern Warfare 2 the cheap gun is the UMP45. What's even more cheap is that is one of the first gun's you start out with. Aside from that it's really good. If you liked the Call of duty's before, you will like this one.

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